Welcome to the 24 hour live stream Everquest Raid Event

The 24 hour raid marathon will begin at 2PM Eastern (11AM Pacific, 6PM GMT) on Friday, September 27 and run until the same time on Saturday, September 28. The event will be broadcast live on twitch.tv by Chitiwok and Alsmack. Links to their streams can be found in the sidebar to the right. There will be an in-game chat channel, Bertox.TeamNizzi24:LLS, for organization and information. We will start with the Plane of Time and from there decide what to do next based on numbers.

The complete list of possible raids we'll be doing can be found at this link and be updated live as we complete targets.

For the most part, we will choose targets based on how many people we have available and what we're able to kill with it. We will be trying to save Dragons of Norrath and other events with 24 people max for the late night hours when attendance is likely to be lower. Tacvi will be done at some time during prime time on Friday, as we have something planned for it that will be much better with more people in the raid.


Anyone with a level 85+ Character on Bertox is welcome to join us. If the raid fills, preference for spots will be given to Eternal Sovereign members, and to people of necessary classes if we are doing more current content (UF/HoT/VoA raids). Remaining raid invites will be given on a first-come, first-served basis and we will add more people as others leave, keeping a list of the order that people joined the in-game channel and made it known that they want to join the raid.

All lower level loot will be free-for-all looting, with the exception of items with clickies that would be useful to 85+ characters (PoTime class weapons, Anguish chest piece, Overhaste, Circle of power clickies, etc.) and quest items (Breakdown in Communication pieces, SoF flagging pieces). All loot from Underfoot onward will be rolled on. Please be courteous to others when looting and try not to hoard loot.

If you're trying to get all your old rank 3 spells, loot one rune then wait a minute to see if anybody else in raid wants them rather than taking them all for yourself immediately. We will not hold up the raid to bring alts in to loot. If you want to loot on your alt, play the alt instead of your main. 2-boxing will be permitted as long as the raid is not full, and may be necessary in early morning hours. 2-boxed alts will be asked to drop if the raid is full and more people want to join.

This event is focused on fun, not loot. Please try to keep it fun for everybody and don't cause drama. Sleep deprivation can lead to short fuses, and we want to keep potential problems to a minimum. Anyone causing issues will be given a warning to calm down and removed from the raid if the problem persists past the warning.