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Eternal Sovereign Celebrates 20 Years in Everquest!

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2020 9:54 am
by Lorai
On September 28, 2000, the Tholuxe Paells Server opened to accept character transfers from the original 1999 servers.

Shortly after, a group of players transferred to Tholuxe Paells and organized a new guild.

They called it Eternal Sovereign.

Yes, the guild we all know and love has been around for a long time, and in 2020, we continue to exist with a strong membership of excellent players. We will be celebrating our history in Everquest, and our members past and present, throughout the coming weeks.

Since those early days, we have had 8 Guild Leaders, and many Raid Leaders as well, who have led us through Raid Content in each Expansion. Here is a list of them all, starting with our current Guild Leader Kazh, who is coming up on 10 years in the position. Raid Leader Rapitiss, has been leading us to victory for 5 years. And Alsmack has been maintaining our technology for 11 years.

#8 Guild Leader Kazh 3/5/2011-Current
.. Rapitiss - Raid Leader 2015-Current
.. Alsmack - Officer, Forum & DKP System Administrator 2009 - Current

.. Raid Leader Deadgnomewalkin 2014-2015
.. Raid Leader Zargut 2014
.. Raid Leader Krickitt (Astute) 2012-2014
.. Raid Leader Chitiwok 2008-2013

#7 Guild Leader Nizzi 8/15/2006-12/31/2010
.. Raid Leader Chitiwok 2008-2013

2013 - Light The Night - Chitiwok organized and led a 26 hour EQ Raid Marathon on Bertoxxulous in Nizzi's honor, after he was diagnosed with Leukemia. This Raid Marathon was promoted and supported by SoE via their social media channels, and was very well attended--including players who transferred from other Servers to add support. It was estimated up to 100 players rotated in throughout the event.

For 26 hours we mass-raided content throughout Norrath, it was one of the most fun and memorable events in EQ History. Raid Loot was awarded after the wins, while SoE added contests and awarded additional items such as posters, game cash cards, and traditional Fan Faire prizes. We made sure the $15 SoE game-cash cards were awarded to those who needed to transfer back to their own servers! Chitiwok and Alsmack streamed the event on Twitch. At the end of the 26 hours, Nizzi, Kyreth, Chitiwok, and Alsmack were the last players standing.

That EQ Marathon raised over $5000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

#6 Guild Leader Ayngwysh (Piromeomp/Correpiro) 5/26/2005-8/10/2006
.. Raid Leader Nizzi 2005-2006

#5 Guild Leader Sonami 2004-2005 (Passed away in May 2005 /mourn)
.. Raid Leader Mingo 2004-2005
.. Raid Leader Fazin 2004-2005 (part-time)
.. Webmaster Fazin - 2004-2010

#4 Guild Leader Belquillon 2002-2004

June 5, 2002 - This second Eternal Sovereign Website/Forum was created

#3 Guild Leader Gorag 2001-2002
.. Raid Leader Gorag 2001-2002

#2 Guild Leader Callandria - Temporary GL 2001
.. Raid Leader Waggs 2001
.. Raid Leader Gorag 2001

#1 Guild Leader Foxxs 10/1/2000 - 3/31/2001
.. Webmaster Athame 2000-2004